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To Support Our Students

These kids are inspirational. If you have followed the Thirst Project, attended the Bay High production of Newsies, or have cheered on our student athletes and band on a Friday night, among others, you know what I'm talking about. Personally, I feel so fortunate that my children have such wonderful near-peer role models to look up to. I have consistently been impressed by the patience and care that are afforded to our younger students by their more senior peers. Our students are highly educated, resilient, and compassionate. Our student body plays a large part in setting the culture of our community, and they are deserving of our support.


As a board member, I intend to build upon the success of our district, and will work to foster a supportive environment in which our students can thrive.

The formula is simple; Great Schools, Great Kids, Great Community.

To Support our Educators

The results speak for themselves. Bay Village has a decades long history of academic excellence. As a member of the Bay Village Board of Education, I intend to foster a positive and collaborative culture, entrusting and empowering our educators as professionals and experts in their field. Providing a supportive environment will allow our teachers to dedicate their limited time and energy into creating and teaching a challenging curriculum that pushes each student to reach their full potential. 


In a time where many districts are struggling with personnel shortages, we must do all that we can to support and retain our wonderful educators.

Recent highlights and recognition for the district:

  • 5-Star District Rating - State of Ohio District Report Card 2022-2023

  • A Rating for Each School in the District - 2022-2023 -

  • Top 1% Best Teachers in the State of Ohio - 4th out of 607 -

  • Top 3% Best Places to Teach in the State of Ohio - 9th out of 607 -

  • 84% of Bay Village Students are College Bound, 50% Graduating with Honors

Transparency and Parental Involvement

For any district, parental involvement and community engagement are two key indicators of success. We are so fortunate to have incredibly engaged parents and a community that rallies behind its students. I have learned that Bay Village community is committed to its kids, period. Volunteer organizations such as the Bay Village Education Foundation, PTA Council, Bay Rockets Association, Bay Music Boosters, Bay Alumni Association, and more, donate to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and tens of thousands of volunteer hours each year in support of the district and its students. As a board member, I hope to continue that tradition of community and parental engagement.


I have been impressed by the efforts of Supt. Prebles to improve communications in the district, and I intend to do the same. As a board member, I will always be willing to listen and discuss. I strongly believe that respectful discourse and exchanging of ideas are critical to the success of the community.

Donations and Volunteering
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Help me in supporting this incredible school district. No donation is too large or too small. All funds received will go directly to my campaign committee, Goodman for Bay Village. I appreciate your support!


Please see the link below to donate, or feel free to reach out to make an in-person donation via check.

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